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Important Full Form List | फुल फॉर्म सूची

प्लीज शेयर करें

Important Full Form List: आज की इस पोस्ट में हम आपको महत्वपूर्ण Full Form के बारे में बताएंगे जो अकसर विभिन्न परीक्षाओं में पूछे जाते हैं इसमें A से लेकर Z तक के सभी full form को बताया गया है जिसे अलग टेबल में सूचीबद्ध किया गया है आइए देखते हैं

Important Full Form List

A Full Form List–
AM and PM ➡️ Anti Meridiem, Post Meridiem
ATP ➡️ adenosine triphosphate
ADB ➡️ Asian Development Bank
ASSOCHAM➡️ the associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India
ASEAN ➡️ Association of Southeast Asian Nation
ASCII ➡️ American standard code for Information
AICTE ➡️All India Council for Technical Education
AIDS ➡️ Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
AIIB ➡️ Asian infrastructure investment bank
APEC ➡️ Asia Pacific economic cooperation
AI ➡️ Amnesty International
ATM ➡️Automatic Teller Machine / Asynchronous transfer mode
ALU ➡️ Arithmatic Logic Unit
ATA ➡️ advanced technology attachment
ASP ➡️Active server page
ACU ➡️Asian currency Union
ADR ➡️American Depository Receipt
ABG ➡️Arterial blood gas
AAI ➡️ Airport Authority of India
ASAP ➡️ As soon as possible
B Full Form List
BPO ➡️ Business Process Outsourcing
BIOS ➡️ Basic Input Output System
BAMS ➡️ Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery
BHMS ➡️ Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery
BHIM ➡️ Bharat Interface for Money
BE ➡️ Bachelor of Engineering
BIS ➡️  bank for international settlements
BCIM ➡️ Bangladesh China India Myanmar economic corridor
BDS ➡️ Bachelor of Dental Surgery
BCCI ➡️ Board of Control of Cricket in India
B.ED ➡️ Bachelor of Education
BMS ➡️ Bachelor of Management Studies & Business Management System
B.COM ➡️ Bachelor of Commerce
BSE  ➡️Bombay Stock Exchange
B.TECH  ➡️Bachelor of Technology
BASIC  ➡️Brazil South Africa India and China
BENELUX  ➡️Belgium Netherland and Luxembourg
BARC ➡️ Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
BBA ➡️ Bachelor of Business Administration
BRICS  ➡️Brazil Russia India China and South Africa
BA  ➡️Bachelor of Arts
BSF ➡️ Border Security Force
BIMSTEC ➡️ Bay of Bengal Initiative for multi-sectoral technical and economic cooperation
BARC ➡️ Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
BCc ➡️ Blind Carbon Copy
BIOS ➡️ Basic Input Output System
B2C ➡️ Business to Consumer
Important Full Form List
C Full Form List
CDMA ➡️ Code Division Multiple Access
CAD  ➡️Computer-Aided Design
CCTV ➡️ Closed Circuit Television
CTB ➡️ Tcomprehensive nuclear test Bantreaty
CGI ➡️ Computer Generated Imagery
CAD ➡️ Computer-Aided Design
CD ➡️Compact Disk
CEO ➡️Chief Executive Officer
CRPF ➡️ Central Reserve Police Force
CA ➡️ Chartered Accountant
CPO ➡️Central passport organization
CCA  ➡️City Compensatory Allowance
CBC  ➡️Complete Blood Count
CISF  ➡️Central industrial security force
CU ➡️ Control Unit
CRT ➡️ Cathode Ray Tube
COMAL ➡️ Common Algorithmic Language
COBOL ➡️ Common Bussiness Oriented Language
D Full Form List
DRDO ➡️ defense research and development organization
DPI ➡️Dots Per Inch
DCA ➡️ Diploma in Computer Application
lDGP ➡️ Director-General of Police
DNS ➡️ Domain Name System
DP ➡️ Display Picture & Data Processing
DDT ➡️ Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane
DVT  ➡️Deep Vein Thrombosis
DVD ➡️Digital Video Disc, Digital Versatile Disc
DIG  ➡️Deputy Inspector Genera
DBMS ➡️ Data Base Management system
DTP ➡️ Desk Top publishing
DRAM ➡️ Dynamic RAM
DDS ➡️ Digital data storage
DOS ➡️ Disk Operating System
E Full Form List
EMI ➡️ Equated Monthly Installment
ETA ➡️ Estimated Time of Arrival
EWS ➡️ Economically Weaker Section
ESIC  ➡️Employees State Insurance Corporation
EOD  ➡️End of the Day
ERP ➡️ Enterprise Resource Planning
ETC  ➡️Et cetera
EVS ➡️ Environmental Studies or Environmental Sciences
ENT  ➡️Ear Nose Throat
EPC  ➡️Engineering, Procurement, and Construction
EDTA  ➡️Ethylenediamine tetraacetic Acid
ECR  ➡️Emigration Check Required
EDP ➡️ Electronic Data Processing
ECC ➡️ Excise Control Code
EEE  ➡️Electrical and Electronics Engineering
EPFO  ➡️Employee Provident Fund Organization
ESI  ➡️Employee’s State Insurance
ERNET ➡️Education and Research Network
ENIAC  ➡️Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
EXE ➡️ Execution
E-mail ➡️ Electronic mail
EPROM ➡️ Erasable Programmalbe Read only Memory
EEPROM ➡️ Electrically Erasable Programmalbe Read Only Memory
ERNET ➡️ Education and Research Network
F Full Form List
FAO  ➡️ Food and Agriculture Organisation
FSSAI  ➡️Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
FOMO  ➡️Fear of Missing Out
FIR  ➡️First Information Report
FCCB  ➡️Foreign Currency Convertible Bond
FTP ➡️ File Transfer Protocol
FEMA ➡️ Foreign Exchange Management Act
FM ➡️ Frequency Modulation
FUP ➡️ Fair Usage Policy
FICCI  ➡️Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and industry
FIFA ➡️ Federation Internationale de Football Association
FBI  ➡️Federal Bureau of Investigation
FCI  ➡️Food Corporation of India
FAT ➡️ File Allocation Table
FORTRAN ➡️ Formula Translation
FET ➡️ Field effect Transistor
FDM ➡️ Frequency Division Multiplexing
G Full Form List
GB ➡️ Giga Bytes
G20  ➡️group of 20
GIF ➡️ Graphics Interchange Format
GMT ➡️ Greenwich Mean Time
GPRS  ➡️General Packet Radio Service
GSM ➡️ Global System for Mobile communication
GUI  ➡️Graphical User Interface
GAIL ➡️ Gas Authority of India Limited
GCC  ➡️GNU Compiler Collection
GTT ➡️ Glucose Tolerance Test
GATE ➡️ Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering
GIS  ➡️Geographic Information System
GNM  ➡️General Nursing and Midwifery
GPS  ➡️Global Positioning System
GST ➡️ Goods and Service Tax
GDP ➡️ Gross Domestic Product
GOOGLE  ➡️Global Organization Of Oriented Group Language Of Earth
H Full Form List
HSC ➡️ Higher Secondary Certificate & Higher Secondary School Certificate
HR  ➡️Human Resources
HTML ➡️ Hyper Text Markup Language
HDI ➡️ Human Development Index
HCL ➡️ Hindustan Computers Limited
HD  ➡️High Definition
HDFC  ➡️Housing Development Finance Corporation
HVAC ➡️ Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning
HIV  ➡️Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HVDCT ➡️ High Voltage Direct Current Transmission
HDMI  ➡️High Definition Multimedia Interface
HTTP ➡️ HyperText Transfer protocol
HLL ➡️ High Level Language
HP ➡️ Hewlett Packard
HDTv ➡️ High Definition Television
I Full Form List
ISO ➡️ International Organization for Standardization
ITU ➡️ International communication Union
ICICI ➡️ Credit and Investment Corporation of India
IRDA ➡️Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India
ITBP ➡️ Indo Tibetan Border Police
ICDO ➡️ International civil defense organization
IFFCO ➡️ Indian farmers fertilizer cooperative
IMO ➡️ International Maritime organization
IHO ➡️ International Hydrographic Organisation
IBRD ➡️ International Bank for reconstruction and development
INTERPOL ➡️ International criminal police organization
IMSO ➡️ International mobile satellite organization
ICRC ➡️ International Committee of the Red Cross
IBSA ➡️India Brazil South Africa
IMDb ➡️ Internet Movie Database
ICHR ➡️ Indian Council of historical research
IOC ➡️ International Olympic Committee
IATA ➡️ international air transport Association
ICAO ➡️ International Civil Aviation organization
IFS  ➡️Indian Foreign Service
IAEA ➡️ International atomic energy agency
IC ➡️ Integrated Circuit
IIT ➡️ Indian Institute of Technology
ICF  ➡️International Finances Corporation
ITI ➡️ Industrial Training Institute
IEEE  ➡️Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IMF ➡️ International Monetary Fund
iOS ➡️ iPhone Operating System
IDFC ➡️ Infrastructure Development Finance Company
IRS ➡️ Indian Revenue Service
ISP ➡️ Internet Service Provider
IB  ➡️Intelligence Bureau
IGST  ➡️Integrated Goods and Services Tax
IDBI  ➡️Industrial Development Bank of India
IFSC ➡️ Indian Financial System Code
IPL ➡️ Indian Premier League
IQ ➡️ Intelligence Quotient
IP  ➡️Internet Protocol
ID ➡️ Identity Document
IDA ➡️ International Development Association
IRCT  ➡️Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation
ICC  ➡️International Cricket Council
IG ➡️ Inspector-General of Police
IPS ➡️ Indian Police Service
ISD ➡️ International Subscriber Dialing
ISRO ➡️ Indian Space Research Organization
ICJ ➡️ International Court of Justice
ILO ➡️ International Labour organizations
IBM  ➡️International Business Machines
IBPS ➡️ Institute of Banking Personnel Selection
IMEI ➡️ International Mobile Equipment Identity
ICMR ➡️ Indian Council of Medical Research
INR ➡️ Indian Rupee
ICU ➡️ Intensive Care Unit
IED ➡️ Improvised Explosive Device
IT ➡️ Income Tax
IT ➡️ Information Technology
ITP ➡️ Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
ICN ➡️ International Union for Conservation of Nature
IVR ➡️ Interactive Voice ResponseI
J Full Form List
JNU  ➡️Jawaharlal Nehru University
JCV  ➡️John Cunningham Virus
JEE  ➡️Joint Entrance Examination
JSON ➡️ JavaScript Object Notation
JPEG  ➡️Joint Photographic Experts Group
JCB  ➡️Joseph Cyril Bamford
K Full Form List
KPI ➡️ Key Performance Indicator
KYC  ➡️Know Your Customer
KTM ➡️ Kraftfahrzeuge Trunkenpolz Mattighofen
KFC ➡️ Kentucky Fried Chicken
Kbps ➡️ Kilobits per second
KB ➡️ Kilo Bytes
Kb ➡️ Kilo bits
KIPS ➡️ Knowledge Information Processing System
L Full Form List
LPG ➡️ Liquefied Petroleum Gas
LIC  ➡️Life Insurance Corporation of India
LED ➡️ Light Emitting Diode
LASER ➡️ Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
LCD  ➡️Liquid Crystal Display
LTE ➡️ Long Term Evolution
LLB ➡️ Legum Baccalaureus in Latin, Bachelor of Laws
LFT ➡️ Liver Function Tests
LAN ➡️ Local Area Network
LLL ➡️ Low Level Language
LSI ➡️ Large Scale Integration
M Full Form List
MRP ➡️ Maximum Retail Price
MBBS  ➡️Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
MMS ➡️ Multimedia Messaging Service
MRI ➡️ Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MMID  ➡️Mobile Money Identifier
MICR ➡️ Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
MPEG ➡️ Moving Picture Experts Group
MTS ➡️ Microsoft Transaction Server
MCB  ➡️Miniature Circuit Breaker
MSME ➡️ Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
MGNREGA ➡️ Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
MS  ➡️Master of Science
MRF ➡️ Madras Rubber Factory
MLA  ➡️Member of Legislative Assembly
MTNL ➡️ Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited
MS  ➡️Master of Surgery
MD ➡️ Doctor of Medicine
MIS ➡️ Management Information System
MCA ➡️ Master of Computer Application
MS ➡️ Microsoft
MSC  ➡️Mobile Switching Center & Master of Science
MBPS ➡️ Mega bits per Second
MR ➡️ Medical Representative
MBA  ➡️Master of Business Administration
MC  ➡️Menstrual Cycle
MAN ➡️ Metropolitan Area Network
MHz ➡️ Mega Hertz
MODEM ➡️ Modulator – Demodulator
N Full Form List
NOTA  ➡️None of the Above
NSA  ➡️National Security Advisor
NRI  ➡️Non-Resident Indian
NIFTY  ➡️National Stack Exchange Fifty
NTPC ➡️ National Thermal Power Corporation
NBFC ➡️ Non-Banking Financial Companies
NSE  ➡️National Stock Exchange
NASA ➡️ National aeronautics and space administration
NPR  ➡️National Population Register
NSUI  ➡️National Students’ Union of India
NOC ➡️ No Objection Certificate
NDA ➡️ National Democratic Alliance
NCERT ➡️ National Council of Educational Research and Training
NEET  ➡️National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test
NCR ➡️ National Capital Region
NITI  ➡️National institution for transforming India
NSG ➡️ national security guard
NADA ➡️ National anti-doping agency
NSDL ➡️ National Securities Depository Limited
NET  ➡️National Eligibility Test
NGO ➡️ Non-Governmental Organization
NCC ➡️ National Cadet Corps
NHB ➡️ National housing Bank
NIC ➡️ National Informatics Centre
NATO ➡️ North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NABARD  ➡️National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
NASA ➡️ National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NDA  ➡️National Defence Academy
NDTV  ➡️New Delhi Television
NSS  ➡️National Service Scheme
NEFT ➡️ National Electronic Funds Transfer
NIC ➡️ Network Interface Card
NIXI ➡️ National Internet Exchange of India
O Full Form List
OECD ➡️  organization for economic cooperation and development
OK  ➡️ Oll Korrect
OTT  ➡️ Over the Top
OPEC  ➡️ organization of the petroleum exporting countries
OMR ➡️  Optical Mark Recognition
OCR ➡️  Optical Character Recognition
OPD  ➡️ Outpatient Department
OP  ➡️Overpowered
OCD  ➡️Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
OTP  ➡️One-time Password
OOP ➡️ Object Oriented Programming
OS ➡️ Operating System
OSI ➡️ Open System Interconnection
OSS ➡️ Open Source Software
P Full Form List
PAN ➡️ Private/Personal Area Network
PC ➡️ Personal Computer
PROM ➡️ Programmable read only memory
PSU ➡️ Public Sector Undertaking
PH ➡️  Potential of Hydrogen
PGDM ➡️  Post Graduate Diploma in Management
PCOD ➡️Polycystic Ovarian Disease
PCS ➡️  Provincial Civil Service
PDF  ➡️ Portable Document Format
PIN ➡️  Personal Identification Number
PNB  ➡️ Punjab National Bank
PMS ➡️  Premenstrual Syndrome
PG  ➡️ Paying Guest
PGDCA ➡️Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application
PHD ➡️  Doctor of Philosophy
POC ➡️  Proof of Concept
PNG ➡️Portable Network Graphics
PNR ➡️Passenger Name Record
POS ➡️Point of Sale
PSC ➡️Public Service Commission
PVC ➡️Poly Vinyl Chloride
PWD ➡️Public Works Department
PCO ➡️  Public Call Office
PCC ➡️  Police Clearance Certificate
PAN ➡️ Permanent Account Number
PPP ➡️ Point to point protocol
Q Full Form List
QR  ➡️Code Quick Response Code
Q. ➡️ Question
R Full Form List
RRB  ➡️Railway Recruitment Board
RSS  ➡️Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh
RNA  ➡️Ribonucleic Acid
RPM  ➡️Revolutions Per Minute
RSS  ➡️Really Simple Syndication
RAW ➡️ Research and Analysis Wing
RAM ➡️ Random Access Memory
RTI  ➡️Right to Information
RTO ➡️ Road Transport Office
RBC  ➡️Red Blood Cell
RBI  ➡️Reserve Bank of India
RGB ➡️ Red Green Blue
ROM ➡️ Read Only Memory
RTGS ➡️ Real time Gross Settlement
S Full Form List
SIDBI ➡️ small industries Development Bank of India
STP  ➡️Sewage Treatment Plant
SAARC  ➡️South Asian Association for or Regional Cooperation
STD  ➡️Sexually Transmitted Diseases
SSB  ➡️Service Selection Board
SCO  ➡️Shanghai cooperation organisation
SAFTA  ➡️South Asian free trade area
SEO ➡️ Search Engine Optimization
SQL  ➡️Structured Query Language
SEBI ➡️ Securities and Exchange Board of India
SBI  ➡️State Bank of India
SENSEX  ➡️Stock Exchange Sensitive Index
SIM  ➡️Subscriber Identity Module
SDO  ➡️Sub Divisional Officer
SIP  ➡️Systematic Investment PlanSDM Sub Divisional Magistrate
SSL  ➡️Secure Sockets Layer
SSD  ➡️Solid State Drive
SSI ➡️ Small Scale Integration
SRAM ➡️ Static RAM
SMS ➡️ short message service
SMPS ➡️ Switch mode Power supply
T Full Form List
TRP  ➡️Television Rating Point
TRAI  ➡️Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
TRAI  ➡️Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
TA & DA ➡️ Traveling Allowance & Dearness Allowance
TPA  ➡️Third-Party Administrator
TIN  ➡️Taxpayer Identification Number
TT ➡️ Tetanus Toxoid
TDS ➡️ Tax Deducted at Source
TCP ➡️ Transmission control Protocol
TDM ➡️ Time Division Multiplexing
TLD ➡️ Top Level Domain
TB ➡️ Tera Byte
U Full Form List
USB  ➡️Universal Serial Bus
URL  ➡️Uniform Resource Locator
UNHCR ➡️ United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNGA ➡️ United Nations general assembly
USSD ➡️ Unstructured Supplementary Service Data
UN ➡️United Nation
USA  ➡️United States of America
UTI ➡️ Urinary Tract Infection
UPSC  ➡️Union Public Service Commission
UNDP ➡️ United Nations development program
UPI  ➡️Unified Payment Interface
UNICEF ➡️United Nations children’s fund
UIDAI ➡️Unique Identification Authority of India
UNESCO ➡️ United Nations educational scientific and cultural organization
UNEP ➡️United Nations environment program
UGC  ➡️University Grants Commission
UPS ➡️ Uninterrupted power supply
UPC ➡️ Universal Product code
UNIVAC ➡️ Universal Automatic Computer
ULSI ➡️ Ultra large Scale Integration
V Full Form List
VIP  ➡️Very Important Person
VAT ➡️ Value Added Tax
VIRUS  ➡️Vital Information Resources Under Seize
VAN ➡️ Value added network
VDT ➡️ visual display terminal
VDU ➡️ Video display unit
W Full Form List
WiFi ➡️ Wireless Fidelity
WWW ➡️ World Wide Web
WHO ➡️ World Health Organisation
WB ➡️ World Bank
WWF  ➡️worldwide fund for nature
WTO  ➡️World Trade Organisation
WBC ➡️ White Blood Cell
WIPO ➡️ world intellectual property organization
WADA ➡️ world anti-doping agency
WEF ➡️ World Economic Forum, With Effect From
WFP ➡️world food program
WAN ➡️ Wide area network
WLL ➡️ Wireless local loop
WORM ➡️ Write Once-Read Many

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प्लीज शेयर करें

Pushpendra Patel

दोस्तों आपकी तरह मै भी प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं की तैयारी करता हूँ। इस वेबसाइट के माध्यम से हम एसएससी , रेलवे , यूपीएससी, पुलिस इत्यादि परीक्षाओं की तैयारी करने वाले छात्रों की सहायता कर रहे हैं ! हम इन्टरनेट पर ही उपलब्ध सामग्री को एक आसान रूप में आपके सामने प्रकट करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं ! हमारा उद्देश्य उन सभी छात्रों को प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं की सभी समाग्री उपलब्ध कराना है जो पैसे ना होने की वजह से इन पुस्तकों को खरीदने में दिक्कत होती हैं और अपने सपनों को पूरे नही कर पाते है, धन्यवाद.

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